The Title Serenity Naiyang is the latest project in the area of Naiyang beach, a unique beautiful and serene beach under the shades of pine trees.
The beach is home of Sirinat National Park, the only national park in Phuket, securing the everlasting peaceful atmosphere not to be found elsewhere.
The Title Serenity Naiyang is situated in a walking distance of 400 meters from the beach, where the charming local vibes blend perfectly with peaceful nature.
Project Details
- Project Name: The Title Serenity Naiyang
- Location: Naiyang Beach
- Project Area: 13-3-13.25 rais (22,053 sqm)
- Project Type: 6 Residential Buildings (7 storeys)
- Total Unit: 814 Residential Units
- Unit types: 1 bedroom, 2 bedrooms and 3 bedrooms
- Green Space over 3,750 sqm
- Over 27 facilities